Increasing translation and cultural mediation services and intercultural health training are key to improving the health of seasonal migrant farm workers

Metabolism and Nutrition
According to research led by researchers from the University of Lleida and the Institute for Biomedical Research of Lleida published in the journal Health Expectations Increasing translation and cultural mediation services and implementing cultural awareness programmes for health professionals, in order to offer culturally adapted …

The IISPV is participating in a European study that will identify healthy lifestyle habits with an impact on the physical and emotional health of adolescents, to incorporate them into an app designed to offer recommendations to this group and improve their overall well-being

Metabolism and Nutrition
A European-wide investigation in which the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV) participates studies which factors influence the emotional and physical health of adolescents, so that they themselves can adopt them in their day-to-day lives or strengthen them, in the event that they already have …

Researchers from the IISPV, the Sant Joan University Hospital in Reus and the URV develop 2 software todiagnose diabetic retinopathy in the early stages andprevent the disease from becoming irreversible

Metabolism and Nutrition
When the disease worsens and can no longer be corrected even with glasses, it ends up preventing the person from leading a normal life: they have to stop driving and working. These softwares have been developed by studying a diabetic population in Spain monitored for …

A study by the IISPV and the Joan XXIII University Hospital of Tarragona will allow the creation of apioneering device for more accurate follow-up of patients with diabetes admissions and to reduce the risk of derivatizations

Metabolism and Nutrition
Diabetes is a complex and chronic metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood glucose levels. It can be accompanied by other health problems such as hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular conditions or chronic kidney disease. The treatment and management of diabetes are complex because each patient …

New advance to understand ALS disease

Neuroscience and Mental Health
Currently, people who live with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) do not have an efficient treatment, since we do not know the mechanisms of the disease. People diagnosed with this neurodegenerative disease, which manifests itself in adulthood, have an average survival of three years. Patients lose …