The Catalan Pediatric Innovation Network i4KIDS gets started with IDIBGI participation

Children´s Health Cardiovascular Metabolism and Nutrition

On February 2nd took place the first assembly of the new i4KIDS Pediatric Innovation Hub (HIP), an R&D& I network whose main objective is the development of a program for the valorisation and transfer of the research results in the pediatric field.

The network is made up of research groups belonging to more than 30 institutions in the catalan R&D&I ecosystem and has the participation of 3 IDIBGI’s research groups:

Maternal-Fetal Metabolic Research Group, led by Dra. Judit Bassols Casadevall

Cardiovascular Genetics Research Group, led by Dr. Ramon Brugada

Obesity and Cardiovascular Risk Group in Pediatrics, led by Dr. Abel López Bermejo

The main objective of the i4KIDS program is to promote valorization and transfer of knowledge to provide solutions designed, developed and tested with and for children, connecting all the elements of the pediatric innovation ecosystem and highlighting the innovation associated with the results obtained.

The program involves R&D&I centers, research institutions in Catalonia and other sectors of the catalan innovation ecosystem, such as companies, investment funds, system agents, and patient association and representatives, focusing mainly on children and young people.

i4KIDS, with its innovation strategy, aims to move towards a new collaborative pediatric ecosystem, where children are the center of this strategy, involving them in the identification of needs, support and evaluation of the entire transfer process, with the vision of having access to high quality healthcare and medical devices designed for them and their needs.

Currently, the Pediatric Innovation Hub represents the Pediatric Innovation sector in Catalonia and will seek to position itself as a national and international benchmark.

This project has been cofunded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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