Meet obesity and diabetes specialist, Professor Sonia Fernandez Veledo

Metabolism and Nutrition

In the moments which we are living now reading is an alternative to travel.

Don’t miss your chance to learn more about obesity and diabetes type 2 specialist Professor Sonia Fernandez Veledo.

Associate Professor Sonia Fernandez is the DIAMET research group leader in the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV) and University Hospital of Tarragona Joan XXIII. She studies the causes of obesity and type 2 diabetes and carries out research on new treatments to help improve patient care. Don’t miss Dr. Fernandez Veledo research presentation on the 7th of September at 19:00 during the new fully digital-version of the European Congress of Endocrinology, e-ECE 2020. Her plenary lecture title is “Harnessing the microbiome in metabolic disease”, which pictures in detail her research. Find out more about Fernandez career path in her interview to ECE blog.

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