Effects of almond consumption on innate myeloid and lymphoid cells composition and activity

Metabolism and Nutrition

Throughout history, nothing has killed more human beings than infectious disease that are currently ranking the fourth cause of death worldwide. In the last months, with the whole world grappling with COVID-19 and because like in many other diseases, the host immune system determines the progress of COVID-19 and the severity, there is a huge interest in the modulation of inflammatory response and cytokine production using immunonutrition.

Several nutrients in almonds may impact directly or indirectly upon key innate immune effectors causing favorable changes in their function through the modulation of epigenetic processes related to miRNAs. This will translate into benefits in the protection against communicable and non-communicable diseases.

The researchers Dra. Mònica Bullo, Dr. Jaume Folch and Dr. Christopher Papandreou will carry out the first randomized, parallel feeding trial specifically designed to evaluate the effect of almonds on innate and adaptive immunity. This study will be performed in collaboration with the Research Institute on Food & Health Sciences (IMDEA).

The expected results would enhance understanding of the role of almonds in immune function, to establish the basis of new research for the promotion of the health benefits of nuts in immune-related diseases and facilitate the use of personalized nutrition to improve human health. This project will be possible thanks to the Almond Board of California

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