The GO_HERO Initiative offers great opportunities for the development of biomedical research and innovation projects. The association of all three institutes with reference hospitals and other healthcare centres allows the use to clinical samples and data, and the smooth translation of the research from bench-to-bedside.
To support our research community, the consortium holds at each site several services and platforms such as:
- Biobank Platforms
- Clinical Trial Units
- Statistical and Methodological Assessment Units
- Knowledge Transfer Departments
- Ethics Committees.
In addition, our researchers have access to specific technical platforms: Cytometry and cell sorting platform (IISPV), Histological/pathological analysis unit (IISPV), Metabolomics platform (IISPV), Respiratory Medicine and Chronic Pathologies service (IRBLleida), Vascular Imaging Laboratory: UDETMA service, Lipidomics platform (IRBLleida) among others.