Internationalisation is a priority for the consortium, as the three institutes are already benchmarks in research at national level. Tarragona, Girona and Lleida unite into this important cluster that works to transform science and technology into economic growth as well as social impact.
Our objectives

To strengthen the international units teams in the pre-award area in order to improve the technical support to the strategic research groups and to boost the institution’s internalisation.

To design and implement a training curricula for our research staff on policies, strategy and R+D+I programs from the European Commission.

To foster at European level, the visibility of the biomedical research (basic, translational and clinic) occurring at the three institutes and to boost the recruitment of international talent.
Our statistics
Our processess
Diverse & Inclusive
involve early a wide range of actors and publics in R&I practice, deliberation, and decision-making to yield more useful and higher quality scientific knowledge.
Anticipative & reflective
envision impacts and reflect on the underlying assumptions, values, and purposes to better understand how R&I shapes the future.
Open & transparent
communicate in a balanced, meaningful way methods, results, conclusions, and implications to enable public scrutiny and dialogue.
Responsive & adaptive to change
be able to modify modes of thought and behaviour, overarching organizational structures, in response to changing circumstances, knowledge, and perspectives.