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Big Data Management Cardiovascular Health and Environment Hospitals Metabolism and Nutrition Neuroscience and Mental Health
Brain & Behaviour Research Foundation rewards Dr. Elisabet Vilella (IISPV) with the NARSAD Independent Investigator grant
Mental disorders are one of the top public health challenges in the European Region, affecting about 25% of the population every year. Bipolar disorders rank as one of the most incapacitate illnesses (14 % of all hospital beds) in working age adults worldwide. This disorder …

Why does high consumption of fish and other sources of Omega-3 reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease?
A recent study by an international consortium revealed the positive influence of an Omega-3 rich diet in in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. More than 26,000 women participated in the international project, run in collaboration between the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV), the Rovira …

Dr. Carolina Serena discovers a promising new lead in Crohn's disease
Crohn’s Disease is a chronic, or long-term, condition that causes inflammation of the digestive tract. Around 3.4 million people in Europe have this disease and 10 million worldwide. The chronic inflammation affects not only the digestive tract but also stem cells contained in fat around …

The IISPV research group led by Dr. Bodì won INNOBICS grant to improve Intensive Care Units in hospitals
The Intensive Care (IC) Unit research group led by Dr Bodí at the University Hospital of Tarragona Joan XXIII (UCI23), has been awarded a competitive innovation grant (INNOBICS) by the Institut Català de la Salut (ICS) for the development of a IC Units data exploitation …

CONNECARE, a care system for chronic care management
The ambition of the CONNECARE (Personalised Connected Care for Complex Chronic Patients) consortium is to co-design, develop, deploy, and evaluate a novel smart, adaptive integrated care system for chronic care management. This will save European healthcare organisations huge sums whilst improving patient outcomes. Based on …

Research group of Dr. Romero (RETINOPROGRAM)
RETINOPROGRAM is a 10-year collaboration between Dr Pere Romero-Aroca (Director of Ophtamology clinic at University Hospital San Joan de Reus) and Prof Domenech Puig (Head of ITAKA, URV) research groups, resulting in several publications and 4 registered softwares. Our access to clinical expertise and patients …

WAKE-UP project: new treatment options for stroke
WAKE-UP was an EU-funded project aiming at providing expanded treatment options for acute stroke and improving the outcome of the patients. Stroke is a devastating disease leading to death and disability in large numbers of patients with massive social and economic impact. Approximately 10% of …