Finished Event
Research with a gender perspective

This training session seeks to promote the awareness and to train staff in research methodology with a gender perspective. The speaker, Dr. Carme Valls, is a medical expert with a gender perspective. Dr. Carme Valls holds a degree in medicine from the University of Barcelona and is member of the NGO Center for Health Analysis and Programs, which aims to research and highlight gender differences in health and healthcare services, and to provide women with access to information and resources in order to improve their quality of life.
Professor at the University of Barcelona of the subject Women and men: epidemiology of differences.
Author of several popular medical books.
Member of the Parliament of Catalonia.
In 2018, she won the Good Practices in Non-Sexist Communication Award given by the Association of Women Journalists of Catalonia, for the quality of research and dissemination on women’s health.