
Beyond GO HERO training action: Searching International Partners

Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 11:00 to 12:00


Technical Platform Demo: Cais Jurgens
IISPV – Represented by Joana Díaz Gómez

Researchers and research support staff from the IISPV interested in registering on and benefiting from the Crowdhelix Open Innovation Platform.

Purpose of the Webinar:
As a network, we are keen to encourage user engagement on the Crowdhelix virtual platform. As members are aware, and should they choose to allow, the platform can sustain the profiles of an unlimited number of staff members from each organisation. This access is at the discretion of the organisation’s leader at an institutional level and their administrative access on the platform.
The purpose of this webinar is to showcase the platform’s capabilities to members of staff at the IISPV, how they can profile themselves, engage with other users and benefit from the platform’s matchmaking capabilities for participating in Horizon Europe funded research projects.


1. Welcome

2. Crowdhelix update

3. Demonstration of Crowdhelix Platform Features
a. The Helixes
b. Recent Activity, Features, Posting and Engaging
c. Profiling and Groups
d. Notification Settings and Recommender Engine
e. Q&A

4. Closing Remarks

This training is organized by IISPV, in collaboration with Crowdhelix, within the training programme of the project Beyond GO_HERO (SLT028/23/000118), which has received funding from the following action: Impuls de les unitats de projectes d’R+D+i internacionals (Go Europe), pel període 2023-2025, en el marc de les actuacions incloses en el Pla estratègic de recerca i innovació en salut 2022-2027 del Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya.