Finished Event
Beyond GO HERO training action: Horizon Europe Open Science requirements in practice

In line with the objectives proposed in the Beyond GO HERO project to train the scientists from IDIBGI, IISPV and IRB Lleida in current Horizon Europe policies and transversal aspects relevant to be implemented in their research projects, the HERO Office is pleased to announce the 1st training action on “Horizon Europe Open Science requirements in practice”.
This seminar aims to inform project coordinators, researchers and research support staff about the requirements of the European Commission regarding Open Science. The requirements for open access to scientific publications and research data management will be presented throughout the life cycle of a research project, that is, in the initial phase of preparing a proposal, during the life of the project and after its completion. In addition, the resources and tools available for the management of Open Science and the preparation of Data Management Plans (DMP) will be explained.
The speaker, Laura Bonora (FECYT), is a National Contact Point (NCP) for the Research Infrastructures and Widening (Open Access) programme of Horizon Europe. In addition, she also works in the open access, repositories and magazines unit of the FECYT as responsible for the national collector of open access repositories RECOLECTA. Finally, she leads the technical secretariat of the international multi-thematic EU-LAC/ERANet LAC call for research and innovation projects with latin America and the Caribbean.
This training session will take place next November 15th, 2023, from 11:15h to 13:15h.
Hybrid event: attendees can join either physically (IDIBGI, Girona) or remotely.
11:15h – Welcome
Dr. Esther Aguilar Fadó, Internacional Project Manager (pre-award) (IDIBGI)
11:25h – Requirements and obligations of Open Science in research projects
Laura Valeria Bonora Eve, NCP Research Infrastructures and Widening (Open Access) programme of Horizon Europe (FECYT)
Q&A session at the end